A slang greeting from New Zealand used to say hi to a friend or loved one you haven't seen in a quite some time.
by ferret mcsquarett June 6, 2011
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n. the theory that people look unexpectedly hot as fuck from the back camera in the dark with flash
vanessa is the perfect example of the ‘deer in headlights theory’
by assenavd.sneeze September 20, 2021
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Jumping around in rage during fight when you’re trying to prove a point because you have too much energy in your body.
Stop deering- Dude you’re deering right now.
by Magba June 15, 2022
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Deering: To Deer
To pick apart fresh things callously.
The Chad imposed himself and started "Deering" your new relationship.
by President Brisbine July 23, 2021
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Has a couple of different meanings. Prominently used to describe when someone is getting their ass beat in a fight. Can also be used to describe someone who has a crisp haircut.
“Ahhh, I see the barber deered you up with the nice fade. Did you watch Ben Askren get deered up by Jake Paul?”
by TheGodFather5 July 29, 2021
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When a man or woman goes into the woods with the intent to become sexually aroused by rapidly slapping male or female deer's ass cheeks while saying the alphabet backwards.
Sally got bored with her human boyfriends so went into the woods last Friday and went deer slapping .
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this is when your doberman or big dog goes insane. Usually a she, and will amaze you of how stupid she is. She can also cuddle in a weird way, by taking up the whole bed. And slobbers everywhere. And has a dent in there head. Physically and mentally.
" Oh my god what is wrong with your dog?!"
"Don't worry about her, she has deer brains."
by doodle1127 November 28, 2019
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