He is hot , he is sexy , he is one of the most intelligent guy in the world , he is tall , he is a real try hard gamer and he also have the biggest dick in the world
Shreyas have a BBC
by JakeP20 November 23, 2021
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A very kind and humble person and loyal,attractive and very lovable person and a funny guy, a girl who is dating would want a shreyas ,every girl would fall for him,and has a huge dick, he is intelligent and charismatic .he is the sweetest person you will ever meet,if you are his girl he will take care of you like a little princess, and he will love his girl forever. You just want a shreyas in your life.
Wow, he is a shreyas.
by Aarushi20 November 24, 2021
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He is very kind and lovable and sweetest person you will ever meet , if you r his girl then he will take care of you like a little princess and love you forever, he is a funny and socializing guy, he is intelligent and good in academics and is goal oriented and ambitious, he loves to travel, girls would definitely fall for shreyas over all shreyas is a good adorable person and good to be with him you r lucky If you have any shreyas in your life.
Wow, that's a shreyas.
by Aarushi20 November 24, 2021
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A man who just loves Brinda more than anyone ever has. Shreyas can also get horny for Shwetank as he loves him even though Shwetank isnt gay.
Shreyas and Brinda went up the hill and came down with shwetank in their hands still
by SparkGamer28 November 10, 2021
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Shreyas is the most funny and loving guy you could ever meet .
He has a great sense of humor ,mostly dark humour and loves to be in low key personality.
He has a habit of being perfectionalist .
He has alot of friends but his best friend and true friend is mostly girl with name starting D.
He is a great friend ,awesome look and handsome overall.
Shreyas and Divya are besties
by SomsomLove December 15, 2021
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Desperate to be viewed as a hotshot, portrays himself to be a helpful person who has made it in life, but fails you when he could actually help and later apologizes for it. Self-proclaimed expert in "reading between lines" and a scumbag, who bullies little kids and has deep seated mommy issues.
New guy at work: The boss is such a hotshot! He is sporting the latest apple watch and a swanky new BMW!
Seasoned co-worker: Oh wait till he pulls off a shreyas on you and your kids.

New guy: oh what does that mean?
Seasoned co-worker: Look it up on Urban Dictionary.

Dude1: I can't understand what this piece of text says.

Dude2: Maybe you don't understand because you can't read between the lines - try finding a Shreyas, the self-proclaimed between the lines reader.

Dude1: oh where can I find a shreyas?
Dude2: in his bmw, reading between all the lines on his latest iphone
by ud_i2 May 15, 2018
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He is the most amazing person ever. He is cranky at times but he is the best. He is funny, he is smart, he is undoubtedly handsome and an amazing friend. Shreyas likes to go on adventures, he is an outdoor kind of a guy. He is not very expressive but if he truly cares for someone he will make sure he is there no matter what.
by talli@123 November 23, 2021
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