To not use medicine for pain relief, to allow oneself to feel pain, especially when pain caused from getting the winning shot in a game. Non-medicinal routes such as ice are used.
(After diving to catch the frisbee, Bob wins the game)
Bob : Ouch I think I popped my shoulder
Sally : I got some baby Aspir-
Bob : Nah, just gonna "Brock" it
Sally :
by chenisan September 29, 2020
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Brock is a good kid
Have Brock

as a best friend.
by Brock duck January 28, 2021
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a boy who takes you on dates and when it comes time for the magical sleep over, he lied there all night on his back refusing to make a move, even after you insist you don't bite, and forcing you to make the alternative walk of shame, confessing to your roommates the next morning that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED...
I don't have a cuddle buddy... I have a Brock.
by adisspointedgirl December 12, 2018
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A complete fucking loser. Guy has absolutely no friends, has the biggest penis on the world just dosent know how to use it. Thinks that he is so cool but I’m reality is just an asshole everyone feels bad for
by Whjskfk ii December 13, 2019
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Typical tall gay dude. wears glasses and gets good grades. Brock is great in the bed with other boys and enjoys watching anime
Did you meet that new kid named Brock?
by Justifier_ November 24, 2021
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Fucking anti-vax cunt who thinks probably thinks that the COVID-19 vacine gives you kidney stones
Teacher: Is Brock here at Digital tech today?

Students: Fuck no he is never here cos he's at the gym getting big
by The Smart Fella September 9, 2021
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