He is the biggest simp you will ever meet he leads simp nation from the front. He has a nice fringe on him and will do anything for a girl. He usually cannot pull girls though because he has the intellect of a pig.
Person 1: omg that guy was such a cabbage
Person 2: must’ve been a Daniel Burnett
by Hary July 28, 2020
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The best friend to ever exist,best number 18,best winger, and the best Claire to exist
Claire Daniell is the reason im alive right now
by @AvatheGoalie March 7, 2022
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Bruh look at that monkey ass, kinda looks like Daniel Mullins
by Mr. Blanton November 23, 2021
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a very amazing dashing mother fucker who has the most fucking skills in lacrosse and a man who could whip any ones ass
daniel odgers stedman for da bois
by fer da bois April 7, 2017
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When you talking to somebody in an xbox live party so you cant play any singleplayer games because they keep talking over all of the fucking dialogue and ruining the immersion. However, you have no good mulitplayer games to play so your stuck between choosing to talk to said person or leaving and playing the game you want.
Damn, i have no games i want to play while talking to this person. I guess im in The Daniels' Dilemma.

Daniel is a virgin - Sun tzu, The art of war
by BigDaddy42069Balls August 12, 2022
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