Raiders of the Lost Ark: from the original name of the

fantasy-adventure film, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

Raiders of the Lost Argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about Raiders of the Lost Ark.
"Raiders of the Lost Argh!" - says a pirate
by February 20, 2013
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It’s like doggie style but with a dildo and two chicks. Both bray like donkeys.
"Madame Presson would def Tusken Ruff Raider SJP!"
by drcrawfishnoodle March 10, 2021
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A bandwagon fan of the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Jumps off when the team struggles and makes it a point to mention how bad the team is.
"Mike became a fan of the Tech basketball team when it played for the National Championship. Now that they are struggling, he's turned into a Pink Raider who thinks the coach should be fired.
by HTownRedRaider January 12, 2023
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when someone goes around cadging stuff from others
that twert is just a randy candid candy raider
by Candyman Can June 23, 2018
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A Fortnite skin that came out is season 5 chapter 1. It had a clone of him made called Scuba Jonesy. He beloved by many.

He can make great combos.
Hey dude do you like Wreck Raider more over Scuba Jonesy? Cause I feel like he's better than that copy.
by WreckitGio May 1, 2021
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