Someone who loves eating pussy, ass or obsessed with head.
“I’m such an Oral Monger, eating pussy is all I think of”

“ She Oral Mongered me so good last night till I busted.”
by DJDickRichards October 24, 2017
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A street monger is a term used to label people who belong to the streets.
sensitive soci3ty- "She belongs to the streets"

Audience- "What a street monger"
by apple boi 333 cap March 10, 2021
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An obese humanoid who enters a grocery store only to scream about ice cream freezers that are broken and to blame all men and women of the establishment giving them the name capitalist pig men.
Hey you, trash monger leave my store go buy your delicious frozen cremes elsewhere.
by dr.mantistoboggan27 August 16, 2019
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When a boy constantly talks to girls all the time. Even to the point of talking to girls more than boys.
Nathan was not surprised when he saw Lenny hoe mongering during history class.
by WeUsedToPlayHouse January 5, 2023
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Lower class. A person who usually mongers filt, badly dressed. Some dirt underneath finger nails is a common side effect.
Who!Tommy. That Filt monger, cant beli eve he's still knocking around.
by Nomadurban February 8, 2017
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An attachment to your pp to make it bigger and better. Pretty much a pack a punched penis
by Destroyer0130 June 29, 2020
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To sell or monger etc.
Eg fish monger i.e. to sel fish

Attention monger i.e to seek attention
Thus it means to seek attention
by Govind mishra November 17, 2018
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