The things I hold in my mind's eye are those that you will never even begin to comprehend. Urban Dictionary, in and of itself, pales in comparison to my might.
I have posted many a definition to this site, but have determined that Urban Dictionary is not ready for my genius.
by Sl1pzBigMan July 24, 2020
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A guy who made an amazing furry movie on YouTube
Furry Forest by ZB Genius is my favorite hentai
by Yfmfan69 July 26, 2021
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A Joke Genius is someone who thinks they are making a clever joke, when really everyone was already thinking it.
Guy: Hey man! Nick, you're haircut is super lame.
Nick: Like your girlfriends face!?
Everyone Else: dude you're a joke genius
by aoihdoaidhdo; August 27, 2020
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The characteristic describing someone who claims they are smart, yet they choose not to be. this justifing their actions being in opposition to the claim. Usually the person relies on the term as a fallback to hide their insecurities regarding their scholastic disadvantage
Person 1 “Wow, I can’t believe you did that! You are so dumb!”

Person 2 “I’m not dumb, I’m selectively genius!”
by Typically_fresh February 15, 2019
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Having the ability to make a romantic dynamic between two male characters work so perfectly that it's on another level (impressive).

(By the way: This is just a joke and is not an actual thing. As far as I know.)
Person A: "Guess what? I just finished up writing up another bl novel, and it did so well! I've sold over a hundred thousand copies so far! You have to read it sometime. I'm like a bromantical genius at this point."

Person B: "... Uh, I don't know what that means, but good for you?"
by Fic Lo ̶s̶(v)er October 18, 2023
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