A very sexy man. He will whip out the glizzy and give you that sloppy toppy for days. After he will start bouncing on your dick. He has a massive penis and it is always erect. He has 100% in every class and perfect grammar. He has really hairy balls.
Fernando Morales-Rangel is the sexiest man alive I want his glizzy.
by Zach Saidner May 31, 2022
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he has a giga cock that is bigger without a boner than Johnny sins dick but when he has a boner he has a boner he has to be carefull or else he will split your whole body into 3 pieces
Where are you

Im at the hospital they just finished putting my body together after that night with Brandon Morales
by XOTWOD23 March 18, 2022
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You know, you'd think that if Israeli WEREN'T moral cowards... They would have actually put some boots on the ground and... You know... Fought Hamas... Like... Instead of carpet bombing "Human Shields"
Hym "I mean... They sound like a bunch of moral cowards when you contextualize it like that.... Don't they?"
by Hym Iam October 25, 2023
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what amy santiago told terrance jeffords after him outdoing her in "raising morale|
cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale
by keyboardsmashingsound January 19, 2023
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Hym “Moral Panic and Controlled Opposition are both... Terms... and they both mean things.”

Dr. JeepJorp “BuT wHaT dO tHeY mEaN!?”


Dr . JeepJorp *whimpers and hobbles away*

Hym “Jesus... Where was I? Oh! Controlled opposition. That’s why the Overton window exists. That’s why we’re kept in the feedback loop. You don’t care. You get your little dick sucked? Or your fat meaty cock gobbled? You manage to get some of your life subsidized? Are you not being crimed? Then you’re fine. Quit complaining about your life. I had to work hard to get where I am! Unless I lied. Then I just lied with every waking breath and everyone around me just went along with it. People don’t even know the difference! They can’t even think! They just accept the propositions. No matter how absurd.”
by Hym Iam December 2, 2022
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(1)the wheel chooses our lesson, it exist in every Childs show that the majority of the episodes has lesson to be learned
(2) a meme that is used when someone says or does something that is highly disrespectful, and you have the power to beat his butt
(1) boi: what lesson shold we learn today?
guy: idk lets use the wheel of morality to tell us.
(2) broi: drats, i failed that test
broi: wheel of morality turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn, and the moral of the story is, uno reverse card is OP
dum: disappears from existence
by someone else thats not u March 2, 2021
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What CNN currently has
Apparently it was discovered that CNN has a propensity to hire men who have a history of sexual morality or misogyny violations. It doesn't matter if it's Jeffrey Toobin, Chris Cuomo or John Griffin, it certainly is a morality problem imho.
by Sexydimma January 3, 2022
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