Someone who convinces or prevents another person from purchasing themselves a new hand gun.
My wife and I went to the sports store and she was a total glock blocker. I wanted that new G19 so bad.
by GayBobFagPants March 3, 2018
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After spending several hours chatting someone up online, person A asks for person B's phone number. Person B plays hard to get and indicates that person A just might be lucky enough to get the phone number so person A persists with hopes that person B will eventually give in. Person A SHOULD just give up because Person B is just playing hard to get and who has time for that?
Sam: Dave, ya know I think you're superfly and would enjoy having a chat on the phone, seeing how we've hit it off on the computer for about 12 hours now.
Dave: Um no, I'm just going to tease you for ages before you finally show zero interest in me. At that point, I might give you my number just to see if you still want it.
Sam: Why ya gotta be like that, you Digit Blocker.
by Toozday August 26, 2008
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It’s me duh~ I love myself so I put my name here
Who are you? Oh I’m jyleima blocker a bad b*tch~
by Baddieculter May 15, 2023
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a person who makes a living jumping out in front of other people (mainly people in a rush) and walk slower therefore blocking their path.

also works while driving

a path blocker may professional or else doing it for recreational purposes.
"sorry im late, i got trapped in by a path blocker
by steFANNYPAKK August 3, 2008
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This high tech device revolutionized the privacy in Men's bathrooms. This device is usually a plastic or metal wall located between urinals to prevent another male from seeing a fellow comrade's penis.
Bob: Dude the guy in the bathroom was totally eying my sausage!!

Jim: Well next time use a urinal with a Penis-Looker Blocker
by Dr. Punaranktash May 24, 2011
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A tampon used when a woman is on her period
Hailey: hey natalie, do you have a bloodstream blocker i can use?
Natalie: yeah! in the box on my desk
by theatticgirls February 18, 2020
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