When a male (older male) is in the act of “cumming” and nothing comes out
babe i need you back, he got my with a rusty fire hydrant again
by Braden Fredericks September 5, 2017
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Fire Porn is when a man roasts his penis in a fire like a marshmallow and his girl or boyfriend sucks or eats his penis
Did you have fire porn last week?

Yeah that’s why my crotch looks like a girl
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Too many people trying to control a situation when it is in fact quite small.
A less racist alternative to 'too many chiefs not enough indians'
Worker 1: Dave told me I should be assembling the bricks this way, but Brett said they were meant to be placed this way

Worker 2: too many Wardens, not enough fires
by BPuddin June 19, 2021
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When the male dunks his fingers in hot sauce and proceeds to finger blast the female for firery pleasure
Babe come give my fire crotch your fingers of fire.
by Dcookieboy April 3, 2016
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Jason and I didn't go out. Instead we decided to chill by the fire with some Alpha House.
by A. Post December 7, 2015
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The act of taping a sexual partner's mouth closed, and unleashing the wettest, stankiest diarrhea into their mouth, and then tickling them until it comes out of their nose.
I loved watching my uncle give my little brother the Alaskan Fire Dragon.
by ACBomb April 13, 2022
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