When your favorite pen gives out on you after using it for a long time.
I was in class today when my back stabbing pen bailed on me.
by Ingproductions April 7, 2010
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when someone unsuspectidly whacks you in the face with a gherkin. Similar to a mushroom stamp.
I was eating lunch the other day when all of the sudden i was the victim of a gherkin stab from some fag.
by herbicyde September 8, 2008
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When two people have been best friends for a long time and one of them stabs the other in the back for unwarranted reasons other than to try and make themself look important.
Be careful on who you believe is your bestfriend. First chance they get they might give ya the Pomona Back Stab.
by "Jztkeepnit100" November 15, 2020
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Do it right

Pennsylvania street slang derived from Camel Crush cigarettes where one has to stab the filter with a nail to crush the flavor pellet.
Get it done
Order: Stab the Camel!
Reply: On it!
by RiverTeam November 14, 2019
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When you take any sharp object especially the sword of 2021 a medical stilletto knife known as a syringe needle and inject foreign chemical engineering agencts into unconsenting victims.
I don't want another stabbing death in my city or my caused by inappropriate gluttony and perversion of medicine
by Cody5050 December 30, 2022
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guy 1: bro i banged this chick
guy 2: you use some snake skin?
guy 1: nah bro, straight in raw stabbing
guy 2: nice!
by KingBurgs December 6, 2013
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