Momo-Gne or it's archaic form momo-gu ne is an ancient latin word, used to express any kind of emotions in any kind of situation. The versatility of this ancient word make this meme a surrel or ethereal meme, just the elite of memelords can use this word due to its immense communicative power.
A: mi passi i broccoli
B: (SCREAMING) Momo-Gne (momo-gu ne)!
by @callme_felix June 16, 2018
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short asian girl, very short, midget, and also is always hungry, and wants food all the time
That "Sarah Gu" is always asking for food. It's so annoying.
by "I hunger for dick" December 30, 2017
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Heavy Gus, Cockney slang for the English colloquialism "Heavy August" (Hottest= Heavy August=Heavy Gus),
was a common blue collar greeting surrounding the excruciating heat waves of 1841-1845 London.

From The Morning Chronicle- June 26, 1842;

"It was with a start, walking up to Charing Cross, a train drudger tupped his cap at me and said "'evy gus, too much for a capper?"
To which I quickly followed, "Sir, it is but only the end of June"
"Aye, bun the sun is peas in the pot, and it's barely mid-morning" he replied- of which I learned a few priors to mean "hot", and so I tupped my hat back at the sweating brakeman.

Last found in print in 1889, the term 'Heavy Gus' is rarely used today.
"As the sweltering morning heat cakes down onto the dock workers, along with the 8 am work whistle, you could hear the salty salutations of "heavy gus to you" among the laborers.
by Bobreingold65 November 23, 2021
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Gus Younes is a big man part of the popular Yugoslavian gang the black hand gang. He was involved in the assassination of the duke of Hungary duke Franz Ferdinand and has single handily charmed every woman on the planet by thrusting his pelvis.
"look at that guy over there, he is getting all the ladies"
"Yeah he is probably a Gus Younes"
by Filip Fais le sus November 26, 2019
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Gus abi is an amazing friend that likes football and sports. He usually friends with a guy named norman too.
by I’m a donut dude guy thing October 31, 2018
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Any man who is very dirty in appearance. He usually dresses slovenly and always drives a pick-up truck that is at least 30 years old.
Man, did you see that guy that just left. He's totally a Greasy Gus!
by Mark 18 May 7, 2007
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Darn, I woke up this morning with a Gus Crossing lmao aha.
by leakyhoop420 October 10, 2020
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