A person who finds guestbooks with no entries on social networking sites such as Netlog and 'bags' them by being first to comment. Usually done to, mistakenly, increase their self-worth.
Scratching around on Netlog last night, that TurkStud100002 is a right Guestbook bagger- he's beaten me to all the new profiles!
by chilli ring November 10, 2009
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A pair of breasts normally from a obese woman.
Person 1: Hey! Have you seen (insert name)'s tits?
Person 2: Yeah. A real pair of sagger baggers.
Person 1: Yep.
by StretZy May 20, 2016
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Harley Davidson owners that drink too much Red Stag and work on their own bikes
Broke Ass Baggers are some nice ass bikes
by Titus Mustachio November 20, 2021
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A shadow bagger is a stranger who in public will stand so close behind you that you can't see them and they are out of your peripherals. Only when you turn your head or back/bump into them you notice them!
"Last night at the party I stepped out to check out the moon and I had no idea that Shadow Bagger Chris was standing behind me the whole time...next time I'm throwing an elbow!"
by Gunno 2 November 6, 2017
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A younger (under 18 female) that , should one become involved with her, will elicit a visit from the cops.
Man, don't fool around with that chick; she's a heat bagger
by Donthebeagle November 8, 2010
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Making your life sweeter by getting rid of old baggage.
My buddy Bill just scored a new Girl before I even had a chance to learn the old ones name, That fucker is a real "Honey Bagger" !!!
by dirtyernie1971 March 3, 2012
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