The process of going from Wikipedia page to Wikipedia page by clicking on embedded links, learning about stuff you never cared about before.
I did a wiki bounce from "Fantasy lsland" from the "Love Boat" page, then I clicked on the name of the actor from "Mr. Belvedere", which led me to the page for "Buck Rogers", and that's how I learned that the dude who did the voice for Bugs Bunny was the same guy who played that robot.
by Big Bear 437 September 21, 2013
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those jerks who abuse the everyone can edit system and destroy the page leaving no info behind, these are usually done by no life trolls (i mean really, do it in a another game buddy, not destroying info) and absolute high school kids of any kind. they usually make stupid excuses like "THEY COPY EVREYTHING OFF OF THE REAL WIKI!!!!1!" or (this only applies to games) "why cant we just find it by our self's instead of putting no effort into it" or something like that.
broi: hey step bruh what are yo-
broi: Wiki Vandalism, really?
broi proceeds to gun down bruh with a uiz and sends a tactical nope to his head, then proceeds to type an defnition into his computer, this jerk wiki vandalizes, kids dont do that
by someone else thats not u March 23, 2021
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Wiki or Wiki Wiki is a word that can mean everything and nothing at the same time;

You can use this term , whenever you want, in any contest, anywhere.
For example you can use it to say something is 'adorable'
to say that something is fantastic
It can mean EVERYTHING
in order to understand its meaning it is enough to see its context

Double the WIKI for making it more exaggerated.
That chick it's so wiki!

Guy: *preparing a cake* Bro i'm gonna make you this WIKI WIKI cake!

Another quick example: Hey look at that guy! he is a WIKI!"

Hey look at that puppy , it's so WIKI WIKI!

Look at that guy there, I hate him so much, I’d make him this wiki wiki, i swear...
by xHak January 31, 2023
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I know just the place you're talking about! There's a dive bar on the water called Whiskey Heaven that's known for its cheap beer and lack of smoke. They've got poker machines and pool tables, which are great for passing the time. However, I have to admit that the crowd there can be a bit rough - it's not uncommon to see degenerates and delinquents gathering there for after-work drinks. But if that's your scene, it might just be the perfect spot for you.
Yo, have you checked out Wiki yet? This dope dive bar right on the water is all about cheap brews and no smoke. It's a chill spot to pass the time playing poker machines or shooting some pool.
by Wut_Ama_Due August 24, 2023
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A wiki (sometimes spelled "Wiki") is a server program that allows users to collaborate in forming the content of a Web site. The term comes from the word “wikiwiki,” which means “fast” in the Hawaiian language. A wiki provides a simplified interface.
Other terms related to the word wiki include Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikimedia or Wikidata.
by bluestinger66 November 10, 2022
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