When you say "ur mum gay" and someone replies with "no u"
Person 1: Ur mum gay
Person 2: No u
(Person 1 gets 20th degree burns on every part of their body)
by MakeUDGreatAgain February 18, 2021
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(n) A term used to describe the experience obtained by visiting friends at other colleges for the weekend, usually involving partying and drinking.
Lets go get a weekend degree at San Diego State, my boy has the hookup on parties and a place to stay.
by Joseph ("the god father") December 14, 2009
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Shut up a degree, or better known as SUD. Is a reply students tell there, parents or friends, when they ask the dreaded question, "what do you want to do?", "What career are you interested in?", "What kind of job do you want?". And you, as a young adolescent have no freaking clue. So you choose a random degree that sounds flashy, like, "Well I'm interested in getting my doctorate!", Or "Law sounds pretty nice!". When in reality your just naming out any degree to end the conversation. In the end, you are trying to get them to shut up and move to another topic.
Parent of 15-year-old: "Hey Jimmy, what kind of careers are you looking at?"

*Jimmy has no interest in this subject and just wants to continue to play Fortnite*

Jimmy: "well, honestly I'm really interested in making you proud and becoming a doctor, probably a surgeon!"

*Jimmy is a germophobe, and has a major fear of blood*
*Parents shut up, and Jimmy continues to play Fortnite*
A prime example of the use of a Shut Up Degree
by The.Weird.One March 18, 2019
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When you go down on, or have sex with a recently open scar from surgery on your mate.
Matt: "Dude I so hit that last night."
John: "Didn't she just have her appendix taken out?"
Matt: "Yeah, I totally got my doctors degree"
by Mercedes1108 August 2, 2008
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When someone cuts your hair so badly it feels like they killed you. It could be to short of a hair cut, not what you asked, or un-fixable.
They killed me and my hair with 20th degree murder.
by The_Mario_Queen May 27, 2023
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When you suffer 3rd degree burns, but want 1st degree fun! It can only be performed if said person has 3rd degree burns (Obviously). Generally, you can only do this with the burns located on your cock. First, take your clothes off, then squat and shuffle side to side while screaming in pain
Darryl burn his cock doing “ extracurricular activities “ an did The 3rd Degree Burn Shuffle
by Mr.CockBlender January 4, 2023
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Redness, itching and pain, similar to a mild sun burn, in the area surrounding the anus, resulting from especially toxic flatulence.
This five alarm chili is definitely going to give you a Farts Degree Burn later today.
by Burned_Up_Right_Now February 8, 2012
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