A band from New Jersey that's genre is "disputed" according to Wikipedia. What this means is that emos don't like to be described as "emo" and therefore deny any remotely accurate description the music they listen to, instead defiling other genres such as "punk", "rock" or even "metal".

I used to be one of those people who just laughed their ass off at how emo My Chemical Romance was, without even listening to them. Then I gave them a try and now I can assuredly say that their music is emotional, angsty, whiny and loud. The band has been known to describe their music as "violent, dangerous pop" which may be very accurate; the band is very self centered in their emotions which they whore out to the masses. The quintessential reality of the matter is that My Chemical Romance is very good at appealing to their massive audience, which requires that they be good at faking emotions.

Some people enjoy their music and others don't. But it all comes down to My Chemical Romance giving impressionable children a bandwagon to ride on and a bad name to people who they are trying to be like. Common misconceptions are "goth", "punk" and "hardcore". The zeitgeist of their bandwagon combined with the lack of intelligence of many of their younger fans can result in misunderstandings, misgivings and ultimately: misinfluences.
Often, when describes My Chemical Romance as "punk rock", "pop punk", or "alternative rock", they may be actually trying to make themselves sound cool while at the same time being "emotional" or "deep".

They may even be listening to the secret musical genre "emo".
by howwitty August 10, 2007
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people think mcr made the emo revolution.
others think they got a load of posers to screw up the music scene. I dont have a problem with the real fans ( i liked three cheers myself)but i hate emo posers who since welcome to the black parade think there great and better than normal people.
real fan1: thanks for the venom is my fave song but overall i like three cheers the best
real fan2: i like i brought you my bullets. after the black parade they got loads of posers liking emo.
poser1: Black parade! Black parade! omg! Black Parade! Gerrard! My chemical romance! OMG!
poser2: omg! emo bois are cute i luv side fringes!
poser3: you know them studded bracelets im gonna get one coz itll make me look cool and emo
by bigsoapbar November 3, 2007
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A totally emo band. Yes, they're obviously emo since they sing about vampires and zombies... and cancer.
Guy 1: I don't really care much for vampires.

Guy 2: Freakin' emo!

Guy 1: At least I don't sing about it like My Chemical Romance.

Guy 2: Yeah, they're so freakin' emo.
by WSKNibbles July 11, 2008
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Does it matter what genre they are? If they're good or they're bad. Also, there music is good but not the best there is way better stuff but I don't mind listening to them
Some posts say that My chemical romance is emo and some they're punk and some say they're posers. They're kind of posers but I like there music so ya
by h12 February 1, 2006
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A totally emo band that has some good material
If any of you Black Parade followers who think you know My Chemical Romance don't believe that they're emo, listen to Demolition Lovers. I'm the biggest thrasher out there and even I cried when I heard that song.
by MCR is emo May 3, 2007
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a shitty band that plays emo music has fans that scare the shit out of me and play the same danm song a million and a half time and they think there the shit when they really just suck major cock
my chemical romance is the band i hate the most
by jack mehof September 3, 2007
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Person:hey what are you listening to
Me:my chemical romance
Person:what's that
Me:god damn.... it the best band ever, god fuck you dumbass
by Lovebandbitch September 4, 2019
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