A annoying character on lazy town. He usually falls for stingy's tricks.
That Ziggy is an idiot
by Lolofthecat July 23, 2017
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Ziggy is a hell bent clown that lives in a box. His only goal in life is to control the world and send it into dispair.
Ziggy told me to burn down that house.
by Dopey May 1, 2003
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A word of greek origin,
Originally used as a verb describing how a man feels after jerking off.
"I am feeling kinda ziggy right now"
by Ben Gramatowski August 22, 2003
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-term meaning cool,awesome and gnarly.
"w00t! Dat new car is ZIGGAY!"
by TheWiggidy October 11, 2003
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To steal someones love interest unintentionally. To have someones love interest fall in love with you

Note: not to be confused with cock blocking or stealing someones girlfriend
Ryan was going to date this girl mika he met over the weekend, but when i met her i totally ziggied him. I feel bad for the guy
by WigWiggy January 19, 2011
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