when your dick cums and releases the cum
i said "bless you dick" when i cummed
by dickey March 17, 2005
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This is a humorous way to be thankful for the positives of nature, summer rain, love...
God bless you God, for sending each man a woman!
by I, Wreckerrr January 25, 2021
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Science Bless You (SBY): The proper response one gives to an individual that sneezes who does not believe in paganistic rituals or fairy tales.
Science Bless You (SBY)

Mike sneezed into his hand.

Adam, " SBY my friend, SBY"

Mike; " Thanks man, it was a nasty one."
by Imade Bigbrown August 11, 2010
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What you say to someone when they hiccup. Typically used for those random, really loud hiccups that sound painful instead of awkward eye contact and confusion.
Person A: *really loud and painful hiccup out of no where*
Person B: "Kazoon-you-bless!"
Person A: "Thanks, buddy!"
by TasteTheMaple September 9, 2017
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Also known as may the jannies bless you.
By uttering this phrase you're wishing your desired target to be banned.
someone: *shills for cuntpitalism*
me: may the mods bless you!
by #LGCC9CCPP September 2, 2021
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When someone dislikes another individual in the workplace or elsewhere and decides to issue a "bless you" to everyone but that person when he or she sneezes, indicating a lack of worthiness and respectability.
"I don't think Jenna likes me anymore."
"Why not?"
"She gave the selective bless-you to everyone who sneezed in the office today but me, even though I sneezed three different times."
"Oh, that sucks."
by Sir Jobeykobra March 26, 2014
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" Your cute" / childish mostly used on girls

Invented by Zarn Murphy
When she makes a fool of herself

"Bless you child "
by Azupazdwn October 13, 2020
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