The act of biting one's bubbles as they rise resulted from a fart in a bath tub.
I had a snarfing problem when I was a kid... Mom stopped letting me take baths and made me switch to the shower.

<fart> GET IT! <splash, snarf> Got it. Tastes like broccoli and barbecue sauce.
by MeestaMosha October 13, 2007
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A snarf is someone who sniffs girls' bicycle seats.
That snarf likes to lurk around the bike racks at the library.
by hoosier slang September 10, 2009
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a cat-like creature in the Thundercats. Typically these animals used the word "snarf" at the ends of sentences and when any emotion is expressed.
by Sakura Uruwashii January 13, 2009
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Some Noises Are Really Funny
Snarf is Snarf
by dictionaryworm November 2, 2011
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An individual, usually male, but in today's society may be a female, who sniffs girls' bicycle seats. The individual must be 13-16 years only to qualify as a Snarf. If the Snarf is younger that 13, they are just stupid. Older than 16 the Snarf is a freaking pervert. It is perfectly acceptable for a person from 13-16 to be a Snarf.
The Snarf eagerly put his/her nose to the girl's bicycle seat after the rider dismounted the vehicle.
by Macsloan October 17, 2019
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the action of grabbing one's testicles with one hand and inhaling deeply in the nostrils
snarf my balls!
snarf 'em!
whatever snarfs your balls!
by the ultimate snarfer August 16, 2008
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someone who bites fart bubbles in a swimming pools
jud totally snarfed ed in the jacuzzi while sippin on christal
by regina fiolanget May 22, 2008
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