the girls at the party who are usually overweight and wearing some article of spandex clothing thinking only about sex.
by islampigs. March 29, 2009
A lot of people have different meanings for the word slampig, but summed up… it means slut. It doesn’t have to mean slut in the way most people think… easy. Slampig fits every girl that dresses a little slutty when they go out. Slampig can also be described as the girls who put their makeup on and go to the gym.
by Livia October 14, 2003
by mike February 2, 2003
by tom March 28, 2004
As in "Open the pen, slampig, Syd the Kid gonna bring home the bacon!" and
"On the way home from the mines, I felt like a pork sandwich. Stopped at the deli and was surprised into an afternoon delight by a tasty piece of slampig ham"
"On the way home from the mines, I felt like a pork sandwich. Stopped at the deli and was surprised into an afternoon delight by a tasty piece of slampig ham"
by StonicYouth August 6, 2008
by kile December 27, 2002