something much bigger than a drug connect ... most likely a cartel that supplies and distributes intense large amounts of drugs to a vast area .. usually its cocaine, heroin or meth .... a plug meaning they supply the "connects" with large quantity of drugs and the connects distributes to dealers and soo forth
by timtebow88 January 5, 2012
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A plug is a contact from another country who ships and grows drugs.
I need to meet my Plug from Colombia at the docks.
by Sean Mul April 16, 2009
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the jewelry worn in stretched piercings. not called gauges. gauges are what the sizes are called. calling it a gauge would be like somebody asking you what you bought, and instead of saying a tshirt you said "A medium".
The kids plugs are 00 gauge.
by bob November 13, 2003
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When someone has way too many tech devices on their person and is oblivious to reality.
Person 1: Hey, check out that guy on the laptop with the blackberry and the cricket on his ear!

Person 2: Dude, he's really plugged-in.
by chadSTAkillz January 26, 2010
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Used to describe someone who becomes oblivious to their surroundings because they are listening to their mp3 player or iPod too loudly.
Friend 1: Hey man, I just got totally ignored by the guy who sits next to me in Biology.

Friend 2: Don't sweat it. He was probably just plugged in.
by damnteenager May 16, 2009
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President Obama said we should have 1 million plug-ins on the road by 2015.
by z21 January 26, 2011
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Adjective. A word used to describe someone who is completly and entirly useless.
by BMOUNZ May 2, 2005
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