Anyone who got a trophy just for showing up. Anyone who refuses to do for themselves even though they are perfectly capable of it. Anyone who thinks they "deserve" anything. Anyone who thinks that because they grew up "rough" they have somehow already paid their dues in the adult world. (Which, amazingly, are usually people who really didn't have it bad at all.)
You're spoiled because you think it's ok to just sit there and do nothing while other people support you and then you have the nerve to act put out when we don't have a cigarette to bum you.

Spoiled person: "I'm not working for less than $14 an hour and my boss better show some respect."
Me: "You have no experience and starting wages for this job are $12 an hour. Plus, you got fired from your last job for being mouthy."
Spoiled person: "I paid my dues growing up. I lived in a two bedroom trailer and had to wear hand-me-downs. I'm owed!"
Me: "Get out of my house, you spoiled rotten, sorry excuse for a human."
by NixieOU812 April 7, 2015
Get the Spoiled mug. who throw pussy fits when their sorry spoiled asses don’t get what they want. 2.the kids who is always too cocky brags and about how much bitches they have and flex with there stupid Gucci, Versace,and Louis Vuitton and thinks he’s hot shit but really is the person most likely to be jumped and robbed by black people,3. A bratty bitch hoe who goes around high school and practically rejects every dude who asks her out but only accepts the dude who is most cocky also her parents spoil her ass by buying her Gucci,Louis Vuitton,channel and her car probably be like a Mercedes , Porsche or something like that. 4. The whitest and most fake people in the world.5.He or she cannot stop buying wack ass shit and when he or she wears it they think it cute or think they king of the entire school or some shit like that. 6. They make everyone do their shit they can’t even goddamn get up off they lazy asses and do chores because they don’t give a fuck about they parents time.
Spoiled kid: I want those

Mom:But those are 3000 dollars

Spoiled kid: BUT I WANT THOSE

Spoiled kid: if u don’t get those I’ll hate u for the rest of your life.
Mom: fine
by Stoopid dic January 26, 2019
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All it means is its a kid or teenager that gets a lot of stuff and what they want it's not really a bad thing
Jealous kid:Ahhhhh why are you so spoiled you get a lot of stuff and whatever you want
Spoiled kid:stop being so jealous so what if I'm spoiled

Jealous kid:because im not spoiled it's just not fair because your so much luckier than me
by Kgator December 23, 2016
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Stay, nctzen and atiny. Also known as s.a.n (Stay Atiny Nctzen)
Person 1: hey do you know the most spoiled fandoms?
Person 2: you mean s.a.n??
Person 1: YES!!
by A lonely staytiny October 13, 2020
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to leave an ugly present in your pants for someone else to clean up.
"after football im just gonna spoil ben, the launderer"
by John Crabs April 1, 2008
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Brat ; diva ; get everything they want
Tori gets whatever she wants because she is so spoiled and has a boyfriend who spoils her ridiculously
by Giirrrllll May 26, 2018
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What I've been since birth. Picture my life. Live in a Huge home, large room, huge walk-in closet overflowing with clothes and name brands such as coach and prada. Private bathroom and play room. Taking the best vacations, going to best restaurants, shopping till I drop. Car since 15, at 19 I have 3. Not knowing which to drive, beamer, lexus or Mercades. Waking up Xmas moning to presents leading from my room downstairs to a huge pile of gifts and birthdays spending 100,000 at least and getting gifts equal to the age I am, however having no limit in value.
It's fun being me, spoiled :)
by Lispoiledbrat June 5, 2009
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