She’s very pretty and everyone gets jealous of her. She so pretty, and so much people like her, that she doesn’t even recognize that. All the boys, and some girls, get attracted to her very easily. Shes sometimes a rule breaker.
Wow Mariam is the bomb.
by Uniform April 2, 2018
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brown hair and big bown bautiful eyes.
small and petite, not too skinny
brown golden skin
beautiful teeth and smile
pretty and attractive, little ass
likes to keep her love inside
funny and random
outgoing anf fun to be with
shy but is a party monster
likes to make people happy
kinky, but doesnt like to flirt
very daring.
every guys dream.
wow i wanna be a mariam dude!
i wanna be married to a maram dude!
by kyle booty October 3, 2011
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Pretty, Usually big beautiful brown eyed, Pretty smooth curly hair, girly girl she's always clever she can be your laughter or smile but you'll regret being on her bad side, its very common for a Mariam to be a Menna Best friend
Mariam: Hey, What's wrong?
Person: Its Nothing
Mariam:*Does a silly face*
Person:*Laughs* Thank you, you cheered my day Mariam
by TheKawaiiGirlGamer53 January 8, 2017
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Arabic name usually very pretty and attractive. A girl that has the most amazing smile. You can always have a good and fun time with her. She has big beautiful eyes and Pretty smooth curly hair . She is a very sweet girl with a big loving heart. When she says she'll always be there for you, no matter what, she means it. She lights up a room when she walks in. A girl of good character, trustworthy and a person you'll never forget.girly girl she's always clever she can be your laughter or smile but you'll regret being on her bad side. She's fun to be around and usually gives off good vibes she is a stunning, golden, gorgeous person. She is extremely funny and intelligent. She is good at everything and most girls strongly envy her. Many guys want and dream of her. Her smile and laughter can brighten your day. She is quite popular but keeps her friend group small. She is fun and she's always the life of the party. Mariam's are gorgeous and hot as fuck and are always kind.
Mariam: Hey, What's wrong?

Person: Nothing

Mariam:*Does a silly face*

Person:*Laughs* Thank you, you cheered my day Mariam

Person: I wish I was pretty as Mariam
by Hatx December 30, 2017
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The best person you will ever meet ever she is beautiful with a awesome smile and hilarious personality comes with a pair of brothers that are .. cool.. and you could spend every day with her and never ever get bored because she always figures out something to do. If you hve a Mariam get ready for guys to be jumping allllll over her. Mariam’s are usually short with a tall bff and that tall best friend loves her bfflsbmfbg sooo effing much ❤️
Wow you have a Mariam

You better treat her well or her BFF will beat u up
by Haha here... May 17, 2019
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