Lottie is gay.
"I think Lottie has a crush on that ballerina girl"
by chertlotte December 14, 2018
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Lotti(<Lau-tea>, from old Norse; Lot - Superior, Ti - foxy, beguiling) , a mythological creature believed to originate from Snorre's prosaic Edda, portrayed as a mischievous yet seductive troublemaker. With its thicc curly hair and fierce nature it prowls in the night seeking for its next pray to obfuscate and seduce. In nordic mythology it has often been symbolic for deceit, joy and beauty. Though, Lotti is often mixed up with Loki's half-brother Fenrir, since its furry and "deceitful" nature strikes a resemblance.....

I mean some of this might be true?
"God damn politicians, talk about being a real Lotti!"
"I am so happy that I'd transform into a Lotti"
" Damn I paid too much, she Lottied me out of a lot of money! But she was such a Lotti though.."
by WritingStuffForTinder August 26, 2022
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Lottie is a very sweet person, your lucky if you ever come across one. She will always be there for you and makes such funny jokes.
Hahah, she’s such a *lottie*
by Kaiya:) December 5, 2020
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They have red hair and tend to say the word juicy a lot, they can be comforting friends if your upset and are extremely funny.
*casually sitting down somewhere quietly*
Lottie: juicy
by rat_from_hell March 15, 2022
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a synonym for fuck and can be used interchangeably with fuck (always positive though)
damn thats lotty af
wow that guy is lotty
by yuukiasunaaa July 19, 2017
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An amazing girl that everyone one should love
She is kind funny sexy talented clever and amazing girl in general
by IAmAnAustralian June 25, 2019
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Typically beautiful girls who all boys want to date and all girls want to either be friends with or kill. Lottie's are typically tall with very long hair and enjoy video games. When you are friends with/dating a Lottie you must follow these 3 basic rules.

1. Allow time for her to play video games (this is a very important activity in a lottie's life)
2. Treat her like an equal. A Lottie will get angry if you treat her like a lesser being.
3. Don't ignore her. If you ignore her then Lottie will feel upset and will probably leave you.

These are the ways to deal with your Lottie. If you ever become friends or date a Lottie just remember ho lucky you are to have one
For example: oh man, I can't believe I'm dating a Lottie
by Imogenluna August 17, 2018
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