is an expression, originally from Malaysia to stated that you hate someone.
Example "mak kau hijau" it means I hate you.
by adikmanisbie May 15, 2021
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Noel: You are so beautiful, muka kau rupa cam tontolou.
Mak kau: Thank youu
by mza24 August 25, 2022
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its a way to define something specific.
person a: how do i look?
person b: wow.. youre so damn chio sampai mak kau backflip sia!!
person a: OMG!! thank you!
by konekpanjang October 4, 2023
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Kids are Ungrateful.
This should be only used when someone under the age of 13 is acting like a brat. Just like in the example below
Child: *rejects the toy because its not theit favourite color*
Chad: Damn, that kid is so rude. KAU
by zapelsins September 10, 2022
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Fk he’s the man and just has a fat tenga 🙄
Kau is the man
by James tekuri November 22, 2021
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Kau-Kau (noun):

A fresh and vibrant greeting slang. Used to welcome someone with enthusiasm and create an instant connection. Derived from a mix of cultural influences, "kau-kau" infuses interactions with positivity and camaraderie.
Kau-kau dude!
Kau-kau, my dude! Long time no see!
Kau-kau, everyone! Let's get this party started!
by Dexx7 July 30, 2023
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