The hottest and coolest girl ever with the phattest juiciest booty in the honors college but she also has a good personality
Itzel smells like flour and love
by bark bark bark ‼️ January 9, 2022
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An amazingly funny and gorgeous person. She has several piercings and a different hair color every time you see her but she pulls it off better than anyone. Has impeccable music taste and adorable pets.
I've had a crush on Itzel for years but I can't bring myself to tell her.
by ohgodwhyamievendoingthis November 23, 2021
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a good friend a kind person that is amazing in all ways and never upsets her friends
by not Connor <3 October 5, 2021
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What’s your name?” “Itzel!” “DAYYUMMMM”
by itsbrittneybich April 15, 2021
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The nastiest mexican girl whos is still a "virgin"
Also used to define a female pevert and is crazy. Also claims she is "childish" and "mature"
"God your so much like a itzel"
by Friendzoneking2016 May 23, 2016
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