A game for Xbox 360 which has become a severe addiction for anyone ages 11-30. Gamers usually spend most of their lives playing instead of going out, dating girls or guys, etc. Usually the base of teenage gamer's lifes, basing the mood their in that day on if they ranked their level up or down. Some players are whiney 11 year olds who loose 50 - 2 then try and get the skilled players banned for "modding" even tho their lose is cause they suck. Most players are legit, although some do mod. Most players and "hardcore" gamers hit puberity yearss after they should because of this. Overall, a desiease which can only be stopped by puberity and maturity.
Hey John manhunt tonight you in?
*shrivels and hisses* NO!
Why not?
We're ranking in halo 2 tonightt.. my precious level..
...John you havent been outside for three weeks!
by OvrrjoyedELF September 3, 2006
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A game that dosn't deserve caps. Again, what's the point? You kill a guy, he dies, now what? You run, and kill another guy. Do you sence repetition here? I do.
Let's look at what makes it better than Halo: Better Graphics... uh... I guess that's it. The story sucks even more this time, but for Halo Nerds, it dosn't matter at all, which is different for people with brains, because in my case, I want a story that makes me look at the very nature of life, and question the very world it self (I.E. Metal Gear Solid) But then again, Bungie has never been very different. You take a gun, you shoot a guy, he is dead. Where's the depth? How is it unique? I have never played Half Life 2, but I'd think it would be the same, but I don't know.
You Halo Nerds have no idea of the world outside Halo and X-Box live, start living, you might like it. Now this dos not include everyone that plays Halo, just the one's who play it all day, which is probably a lot of you.
I'll say it again: Halo is a fun game, that dosn't mean it can be a religion
Bungie and microsoft are the eviliest companys on the earth. They are resposible for:
1. Obesity
2. Addiction
3. Failed Relationships
4. taking away people's hard earned money.

I'll use Halo Nerd/n00b Language so that you people can understand: HaLo TATOOLY SuXX!!11!!!!!11!1 mGS, FF, GTA IZz BEttEr, THEY ALL GOT HIGHER RATINGS ON GAMEspot!!!11!!!! HALO 2 GOT 9.3, MGS2 GOT 9.6, FF10 GOT9.6, AND GTA:SA GOT 9.6, HALo SUX!!!1!!!!
by The True Spikes August 13, 2005
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its the shiznaz! i aint nevger seen anything coller since a ninja shitblast! i think this game will kill the human race caus we all gonna stop sexin' to play halo 2!
hot bitch: dude were the last peeps on earth! we gotta sex to save our lives!

dude with da XBOX: hell no bitch! maybe when im done beating halo 2
by mackzy October 21, 2004
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The sequel to one of the greatest console shooter in modern history. It featured a short and uninteresting story line that just dragged the story for what seemed ages. Its bad sense of story telling and bad usage of cliffhangers made this game highly dissapointing. Its only saving grace was it multi-player, but that was also dissapointing as it had been dumbed down to point where the best halo2 player in the world could be defeated by a n00b if the n00b got a sword first.

The skill needed for competition and superiority of design from the original halo did not reappear in the sequel making it the second most anticipated game EVER, but sadly the biggest let down in modern gaming history.
I pre-ordered my copy of Halo 2 2 years before it came out, but nowadays id rather play the original than even look at my copy of the sequel.

by Syed 2191 October 26, 2005
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1. A first person shooter video game for the Xbox featuring wicked ass sweet gameplay. Added weapons and features, plus online play!

2. The only game that you would consider over sex.

3. The game that will pwn Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which is expected to sell 1 copy. The greatness of 2 hour game length seen in GTA SA will overwelm the brain and try to make you date richard simmons. In other words GTA: SA got is gonna get smacked.

Xbox owner: "I got Halo 2"
PS2 owner: "I got GTA SA"
PS2 owner: *bows down to Xbox owner*
Xbox owner: "Yeah that's right bitch"
Damn, girl. I cant give you sex right now, im kickin ass in halo 2.
by Chris, the l33t October 18, 2004
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wtf r u nerds tlking bout fukin losers nuthing is betta than sex stupid fuks so wat halo2 has good graphics the story line is shit and the levels are shit i liked halo combat evolved betta
and at least i dont play it all day and deny sex wen my girl asks me for sex go suk a cock u fagmoes
halo2 has good graphics otherwise it is shit
by killzones betta March 5, 2005
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Halo Halo 2 are great games but not the best.

Do you know what the best game ever made so far is. Not monoply its
Half Life 2 you gay halo 2 players.
Halo 2 sucks so muchs it has to advertise so many times to make you buy the damn game.
by John from valve March 19, 2005
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