Someone with an average sized cock who breaks into BUD/S during Hell Week and repeatedly rapes the candidates;
Dude Cali is full of froggers bro bro!
by rufus9996 October 29, 2021
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A woman that after sex tears the nipples of guys with her teeth and eats them.
I just got attacked in bed by a frogger, it was great tell she ripped mt nipples off.
by aprudhomme May 19, 2007
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a spastic frog with brownie all over its face.A frog in a brownie usually while in a forest.
dude, i just saw a frogger yesterday when me in Jen were in the woods.
by elelelelelell July 11, 2008
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What happens the first few days of the semester when all the new freshman do not understand how to negotiate walking through traffic. Often end up with either cars slamming on brakes or freshman being hit.
Hey look at those dumbasses playing freshman frogger. Oh one just got hit :(
by Talirag! August 22, 2010
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A children's game popular in the South and Appalachia. It entails pulling a bed or small trampoline under a ceiling fan while it's on the lowest setting, bouncing up and down and trying not to get hit by the spinning blades.
Jim Bob done broke the bed playing Forehead Frogger!
by Charli XXX September 17, 2014
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