The act of, upon reaching a stop light/sign, all the members of a vehicle bail out and dash laps around the car until the light changes or the other people around you get really pissed.
Hey man, I'm bored, let's go do a few Chinese Fire Drills down at the town square.

erm... ok, but you're the one driving this time!
by animedude April 23, 2004
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Somewhat like a Chinese Fire Drill. The Nicole Fire Drill is when someone is driving and at every red light or stop sign, they take the key out of the ignition and snort a line of cocaine off of it. After, start the car back up and continue driving.
Yo, Brad just did a Nicole Fire Drill at that last stop sign and now he can't find his key.
by Thundercats Galore July 8, 2010
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A jfd occurs after you have been smoking, preferably marijuana, in your car. You will have been driving around while smoking and then once you are finished, you stop the car, get out, and wipe off any ashes and such. A modified version of a Chinese fire drill.
Leroy: That was a sweet cruise that we just had

Jenkins: I know, all we need is a Jamaican fire drill and we should be all set

Leroy: word
by DJmoist June 28, 2012
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Similar to Chinese Fire Drill. If a person in the room yells "French Fire Drill," then all in the room must take off their shirt and take the shirt of someone else. Everyone in the room must play. If one says that they do not want to participate then they are to be kicked out of the party or made to drink.
by Party Gnome September 5, 2011
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During a fire drill at a school a person will take a shit in front of a door. This will force people to slip in slide in crap while exiting the building.
John: "Hey, what took you so long?"
You: "Some one did a fire drill steamer in front of the main door and everyone was slipping and sliding around the door."
by Ol' Frenchy January 1, 2010
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1. (n) A state of confusion. It is thought that the term was derived when a Royal Navy Ship consisting of a Chinese crew and British officers was set to perform a firedrill. One group of the crew was to carry buckets of water from the port side of the ship to the engine room to extinguish the blaze. Then another team was to take buckets of water from the floor of the engine room and throw it off the starboard side. In the first moments of the drill, things went fine, however, difficulty in translation between the officers and crew caused confusion resulting in the first bucket team taking water from the port side of the ship, and dumping it off the starboard side of the ship while the second team did nothing.

2. (n) When the occupants of a car stop at a traffic light and exit the vehicle to cavort around the car like the lead knife in a knife parade

See also Chinese National Anthem and Chinese Puzzle
Jack: So we set up all the bands to play with eachother.
Hanns: How'd it go?
Jack: It was a damn Chinese fire drill in there...

Jack: Let's have a Chinese fire drill at the next light.
Hanns: Kay.
by Jsten November 29, 2008
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noun. When a man lubes up his cock with wasabi before fucking a woman.
I gave her such an intense japanese fire drill she had to pour milk down her flange.
by mark86 March 4, 2007
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