FrankenGoof, large brutish creature, low intelligence
<FrankenGoof> im lookin at you solderfag
by Anonymous March 27, 2003
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Someone with a really big head. Like ole Burnsy..
Man, look at that fathead. he looks like Frankenstein.
by Mike Burns February 6, 2006
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a women thats pregnaunt to an alcoholic tattooed skateboarder who is extremly slow and has a big head..
corrinne you freaking fathead hurry up and have your illegitimate child to that tattooed drunk ass cockspank josh
by the shauno April 21, 2008
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1. metal for fat people

2. another sub-genre ov heavy metal music made exclusively for and by people with normal bodies, but with the heads ov a morbidly obese person.
Fathead metal isn't for people like me and you bill cosby, it's only for people with small penises and big elbows.
by incipitsathanas October 14, 2009
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When a person loses weight, but still see's themselves as larger and bigger than they truly are.
Jane stepped in front of the mirror and saw her reflection. She saw what she always did; an obese human being. While on the other side of the mirror, she was opposite of what she saw. Her doctor had explained to her after her weightloss that she may experience Fathead Syndrome.
by Noellie July 29, 2011
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A complete moron in the coin chat of a certain web-based auction site.
the california fathead parrot does not actually understand what it says, nor does it have any true intelligence... just like its more famous relative, the african grey.

The California Fathead Parrot is a fucking shithead!
by marsha's nightmare June 28, 2009
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You’re bestfriend who has a fat head nah I’m just playing its an affectionate way of saying they are ur bff fr
“Yo fathead how you doing?”
“Lindsay, Annalise, and Teaona are fatheads.”
by User3281782 January 21, 2022
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