Roosters do not use their noise called " Cock-a-doodle-doo " to wake us up . They even make their noise in the noon , afternoon , even in the evening and midnight . It 's just a sign that they are hungry . Roosters share their food on their hen . So , if you have roosters , just don 't feed 1 rooster . Try to observe that he is making the noise , " Cock-a-doodle-doo " .
( early in the morning ... a rooster Cock-a-doodle-doo )

-> Hurry up Johnny ! We gotta feed the chickens !
-> Alright ...
by Gaian123 June 29, 2010
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Verb - A common party game when 2 gay men shove their male privates into one another's mouth and then proceed to deep fist each other and the first one to come in the other one's mouth is the winner
Gay Man 1: What do you wanna do tonight? Gay Man 2: I don't know, wanna cock a doodle doo?
by Dragon1240 November 5, 2020
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to totally own and dominate your chicken during sex
guy 1: hey how did it go last night?
isrealian meth head: yEa I PuLled A CoCk A DoOdle doo
by ku klux klown leader December 12, 2018
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The act of smoking directly after you wake up. (See: wake and bake)
Fiend 1 (@ 11 am): Are you tryna chong it out?
Fiend 2: Na, dawg. I choof-a-doodle-dooed when I woke up earlier.
by Im IN Faze Clan 101 June 9, 2017
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to be flabbergasted by or to show one's surprise at an unexpected course of action...

a more acute take on the cockadoodledo phrase native to the common rooster / hen
fook-a-doodle-doo Batman... that guy has an armpit for a head...

now now Robin... do not fret. It is merely a cockney street artist without his costume on
by kegmar September 19, 2008
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When someone is saying "Slap-A-Doodle-Doo" it means that one said a funny joke, but the joke wasn't funny enough to laugh out loud at.
When someone is saying "Slap-A-Doodle-Doo" it means that one said a funny joke, but the joke wasn't funny enough to laugh out loud at.

Adam: Did you see Sarah? She lookes like a squashed pickle.
You: Haha nice one! Slap-A-Doodle-Do
"A non example would be"
Adam: Did you see Sarah? She looked like my deformed dick.
You: No way dude LMFAOOOO, Shit you hadda go there dawg OMFG LMFAOOOO
by UrbanLegend1990 October 22, 2020
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