one who does tasks well and quickly. Especially common in New England and with grandmothers
"Why, Susie, aren't you such a doobie! My nappies were soaking wet."
by meeeeeshhhhaaa June 27, 2004
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A hairstyle or a slang for a joint
nice doobie home boy
by Shaneo October 17, 2003
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the thing that master yoda did that made him all fucked up!!!
This doobie, will toke all night, i will.
by nate dayon November 22, 2003
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nasty ass receiver from christopher columbus high school, the brother of CJ Henderson and is nasty at football. one of the best players on the team and is a big reason why we made the state championship but ended up losing to mandarin 37-35 #CPride- columbus class of 2022 student (ADR)
coach merrit is the best coach ever and doobie is a future hall of famer
by JackTheRabbitCat December 10, 2018
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1.the butt end of a joint.
2.hebrew definition: teddy bear.
1. Dude... dont hog that doobie... puff puff pass! It is almost gone!
2. I love to cuddle my doobie when I am stoned before I fall asleep!
by David July 28, 2004
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1. In the field of green herbal cigarettes, a doobie is a big ‘fat one’ of the hand-rolled variety.

“Och-aye Jock, sort out that doobie will ya? I need some herbal relaxant if I’m going to sit through your Best of the Proclaimers album again.”

2. A terms used to affectionately refer to the Emirate of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, the term Doobie will often be used by former residents of Chelsea and Pimlico to refer to their new found home in the Gulf.

“I say Jemima, what about a round of drinks down at the yacht club before we waddle off down into Doobie for a few bottles of the old ‘falling down water’.”

3. Doobie – when used in its full form as “Doobie doobie doo” is the Frank Sinatra inspired line used by lounge performers to denote a freeform break in the music.

“Oh baby you are so fine, I wanna make you all mine, all mine, all of the time… Doobie doobie doo (repeat refrain…)
Examples for Doobie shown above.
by Monty Cornwall March 24, 2008
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