Quandledingle Dick Suckers is a group my brother and his friends came up with while at school one day.
Quandledingle Dick Suckers is my brothers made up friend group at our school. My brother said to join the Quandledingle Dick Suckers you need to suck a dick first. Him and his friends didn't have to because they already made the group but new members or people who wanna join have to suck a dick to get in. This is Quandledingle Dick Suckers.
by KassWritesDefinitions February 26, 2023
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a term or insult used to describe an ugly crybaby ex who in order to forget you went on to suck gay scene emo mexican kid cock
Marisol:Damn, that Richy McCloskey sure loves Mateo's penis in or around his mouth
Moses:He sure does, man, what a firey latin dick-sucker.
by Marisol Puga December 15, 2008
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Person in which has absolutely no intelligence, looks as if they fell from a ugly tree hitting every branch on the way down, throughly enjoys duck sausage. This persons face just really pisses you off.
You dumb dick sucker face, i told you to get the hell outta here!
by *LiLMaMaSpAzZ* December 18, 2020
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A hoe fucking dick sucker is a person who doesn’t vote this definition in.
Oh shit that person just dissed my definition, must be a hoe fucking dick sucker.
by mystrawberriesaresour June 11, 2020
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The worse then Ur dad lesbian, Ur mom gay, Ur granny tranny, and your Grand pap a trap combined; Everytime it is said a galaxy gets sucked into a black hole
Jim: Ur granny tranny
John: Ur grandpap a trap
Jim: well your great grandmother a dick sucker
John: *Gets Sucked into a black hole
by jjjJJjjJj05 March 20, 2018
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Much like the action of a sucker punch (where you unexpectedly punch someone in the gut), to sucker dick a person is to either penetrate and/or slap them with your dick whilst they least expect it.
1. Man, I totally sucker dick-ed Jane last night, she was not expecting it at all!

2. "Hey, so is sucker dicking like rape?"

" Nah, it's more like when you're cuddling in bed with your girlfriend and you put in while she doesn't

expect it. It's also when she's crouching or on her knees and you smack her with your dick."

"Oh. Sweet."

3. "And on his tombstone it shall be written, 'Here lies _________: Caring Father, Loving Husband, Sucker Dick Champion".
by Hostrodamus June 28, 2015
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