the act of lining up several women in a circle with their vagina exposed, you then place yourself in the middle of the circle on your knees. Then you must comense a thrusting motion into each women while moving in a clock wise direction satisfying each women.
i'm going yo round you ladies up and lay you to waste with the whirlwind of terror.
by falcon fire and analat0r April 12, 2007
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A sexual position in which one partner is tied to a chandelier. The other partner is on a trampoline. Whatever penetration occurs is considered "fair game."
I was bored with doing The Ghost on my girlfriend, so we tried to Reap the Whirlwind.
by budsmcmillan1 October 7, 2010
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It's when you start cumming, and you move your penis around in a circular fashion, so a circle of cum appears on your woman's face.
Man 1: I gave her a texas whirlwind last night.

Man 2: Sweet.
by gamma82000 December 27, 2010
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an awsome band with 2 base players and no guitarist and obviously a drum player.
Whirlwind Heat opend for The White Wtripes at Roseland in NYC
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When a person tries to fart on a man but he helicopters his dick to blow the fart wind towards that person.
I just hit you with a Memphis whirlwind
by Farooq97 February 19, 2016
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When in the back country for a long time and your poop turns gold, and looks similar to a peanut butter whirlwind.
Man Dude! I just dropped the biggest peanut butter whirlwind, i had to dig 2 cat holes.
by pbwhirl November 21, 2020
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After eating a hefty plate of baby back ribs, one partner assumes an upside-down, cross-legged position on an elevated surface while the other runs circles around the first. Both partners expel their barbecue-fueled farts, resulting in a swirling vortex of methane.

To ensure proper execution, the upside-down partner must unleash a cry of "Howdy do!" in a long drawn-out fashion, spurring the partner in motion to increase their revolution speed, thus resulting in a very powerful, odorous whirlwind.
Partner 1: Have you thought about that thing I asked you earlier?

Partner 2: Oh right, the Kentucky Whirlwind? Yeah totally, I'll give it a shot.

Partner 1: Okay, did you defrost the ribs like I asked?

Partner 2: What ribs?

Partner 1: I want a divorce, Susan.
by Yung Fetus March 22, 2019
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