'60s rock band which was actually the founding of the Grateful Dead. The band was composed of Jerry Garcia, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, and Bill Kreutzmann
by dylmurhaha September 10, 2006
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Person of low social status, generally single and 30+ years old that lives in the basement of his/her mother and feeds off hotpockets alone. This person has no life and plays computer games 24/7. The warlock drinks mountain dew and no water. Their blood is a grey, gewy substance. Also the sun burns their skin.
Guy A: Dude why dont you go outside?

Warlock: The sun! IT burns!
by George Bobdolian March 31, 2008
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Does mean wizzard or sorcerer but it also means demon. Broken down however, judging from it's roots the word is meant to have negative connotations. The word comes from waerloga- meaning a traitor, foe, devil. Broken down< waer= a covenant+ leogen= lie, deny. So you see it literally means to lie to or deny your coven. Any self respecting pagan would not refer to a basic male practitioner as a warlock, unless it was meant as an insult. Or used to describe one who operates on the negative side of their practices.
It was determined that a warlock put a curse on Cavan's family, destroying more than half of his lineage.
by astroshimmer September 17, 2003
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Warlock, to warlock;

To purposefully kill someone after you have already died, generally by setting up the situation moments before your own demise. Harkens back to a Warlock placing a DoT on another player before he dies, and having the offending player die shortly after from said DoT.
Ex. Sticking someone with a plasma grenade in any of the Halo games right before that player kills you.

"Dammit! I was all happy and shit after I killed John only to quickly realize that motherfucker warlocked me!"
by Uuklay May 6, 2009
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Definition: A warlock is NOT the term for a male witch. A male witch is just a witch. The term has been picked up by popular culture, and people who don't really know anything about witchcraft like to use it.

What the word really means is frequently and vehemently debated amongst modern-day witches. The usual explanation is that it's an old English word for 'oath-breaker' and was used for a witch who betrayed their coven.
by High_Falk April 26, 2003
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Title given to a man who has mastered fitness and finance
Mike is such a warlock his muscle ups and 401K are on point .
by Mdv1 July 21, 2020
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A 50 to 70-year-old virgin; an aged wizard.
After hearing of the elusive wizard and believing that one's state of being a virgin carries power with age, we dubbed a second tier of wizard: the warlock.
by Decaeil November 12, 2018
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