A shitty console that has shitty graphics and sucks badly. The PS4 is actually an acronym for Piece of Shit #4
Person 1: Hey guys I got the awesome PS4!!!
Person 2: Nice job! Go fuck yourself and sell that shitty garbage!
by 3MLG5U March 13, 2016
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A shitty gaming console that gets beaten in every way by the Xbox One and PC. The controller was made out of cheap plastic Sony found in Japanese garbage cans and put together by 5 year olds with no attention to detail. The PS4 has a design that looks like a rubber and has zero interesting exclusives.

No. Buy an Xbox One for Forza or a PC for CS:GO.
by ersd123fastman May 27, 2016
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A horrible system that claims to be competing with with Microsofts Xbox One. 90 percent of the people on Sony's PS4 don't even talk (they don't speak english) on the microphone because they are foreign or terrorists. Word is that Sony planted a chip inside the hard drive to allow towel heads to detonate an explosion. Another fact is that the controller is also used as a dildo by the PS4 fans that is why they love sony so much because PS4 stands for PENIS SUCKING 4EVER. Most people who speak english and/or are American and buy PS4 are filthy scummy Jews and let me prove my point before you make up a lie JEW. The Microsoft Xbox consists of an online gaming community that are 95 percent American or atleast speak english not only this but PS4 offers free online play Jews love free shit FACT! Microsoft has the best graphics and people pay for the best online play with people who speak english. PS4 took 3 months to sell out pre orders after announcement MICROSOFTS XBOX ONE TOOK LESS THAN A WEEK!

Sony was hacked last year and all of the information that you put on that Penis Sucker 4EVER will be hacked and all of your money taken by jews Microsoft on the other hand? Never been hacked because it is a secure server.

There is a youtube video of a kid who is neither a PS4 gayboy or Xbox fan but was so disgusted that PS4 has a dildo for a controller he shattered the PS4 on release day right outside of gamestop.

Dirty Harry: I am going to give you 10 seconds to run I have my .45 in my holster 10, 9
Beaner: Penis Sucking 4ever esse
Dirty Harry: 8, 7 what did you just say? BANG!
by PS4isSOgay February 16, 2014
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sonys newest gaming console that is a pain in the ass to setup
man 1:hey i see you got the Ps4.
man 2:yeah but xbox is better.
by ShitTalker64 February 23, 2018
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A gaymer supporting LGBT with 80% of the gaymers being gay asf and taking everything to heart like a gaymer should ps4 gaymers are the most virgin lil kids out there in the world compared to the switch , internet warriors that like talking shit but get their ass beat up in person these gaymers are tryhard Ps4 fans that with no question get offended so easily over one joke made of this “community” in conclusion anyone that owns a ps4 is officially part of that 80% gay community gay pride right ? No cap the Ps5 theme is LGBT stfu
Any PlayStation fan is straight up gay and is an internet warrior big facts-Ps4
by PlayStationFacts June 3, 2019
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The next generation playstation. Release date December 9, 2011.
Dude, when is the PS4 coming out? Dude, December 9, 2011
by Will11 November 11, 2007
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