Small boy with a strange accent from an unknown region. He often plays soccer and talks of video games. This man will think he is the best at Battle Cats and will repeatedly hit and/or pinch you. But deep down he is full of kindness and passion. This man has the stars in his eyes and the intellect of an Apache attack helicopter.
Person 1: You seen Liam?
Person 2: Yeah, he stole my girl and job while playing Battle Cats.
Person 1: Aw damn that's too bad, you can't mess with Liam without Jesh and Patrick kicking their ass.
by Sheepherder37 June 11, 2018
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A wonderful person, who may be shy upon first meeting, but who has a kind heart. Immensely good-looking, but modest with it, someone who will always be there for you. One of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Loved forever.
"You couldn't really hope for a guy any nicer than Liam"
by marzipanezmerelda August 13, 2011
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A sexy motherfucker that is always loyal and has a sympathetic and forgiving mind Liam will always help others and will run into a lot of money in his life.
by Sexy words June 1, 2018
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Liam is one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet. Gosh, he always has the best smile and the most contagious laugh; any day is brightened by just the thought of him! With a Liam as your friend, be prepared for endless fun times and a whole lot of oh-so-good puns. He is the most caring, generous individual in the existence of humanity. Liam is the most gorgeous human being that you will ever set your eyes upon, and if you have the chance to be his lover, never ever let go; he is in ownership of a heart so gentle and affectionate even the thought of him is enough to lift one's mood. He is the type of guy to snuggle and watch movies with, to talk at odd hours of night with, and to drink coffee and play video-ular games with. You are lucky to be his friend, and even more so if you have the chance to be his girlfriend!
Personne 1: Man, Liam is the best!

Personne 2: I know, right!?
by spock_saying_smock December 18, 2018
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Liam is a slang term used for the coolest genre of nerds. A Liam tends to be late to social trends, being somewhat of a reverse hipster. Someone who is a Liam is the kind of person who would spend hours and hours on end either on the computer or obsessing about some sort of technology. He/She who could be considered a Liam is not fully open to allowing people into the "inner sanctum" that they exist within. Think of a Liam as someone slowly leaving their shell and entering the social world. He or She may wish to spend time alone, but is not against spending quality time with their friends. The important bit about Liams is that they are often intelligent, and not afraid to show it. It is also tested and approved that there are numerous Liam's who would be willing to watch things like YouTube or Netflix for hours on end.

Important qualities of a Liam include somewhat narcissism, large amounts of pride, yet very little lust or envy. They tend to, due to their time as a recluse, form different stages of depression, but they mask this by hanging out with their friends. These are the people who want to make more friends, yet always face their own personal issues,
Guy 1: Man, do you see that guy? He's such a freak.
Guy 2: Nah, bruh, he's actually a Liam. You should meet him, he's really cool.
Guy 1: I didn't know that. I'll go talk with him now.
Guy 2: Not now, he's probably watching Netflix again.
by SwiggitySwagelGimmeABagel March 4, 2015
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A Liam is the most caring and the most fittest boy you will meet
A Liam is someone you should keep close to your heart and never forget about

If your lucky enough to have a Liam like me then you know how wonderful he is and how caring and loving he is

The way he gives you a shoulder to cry on and just listening to you

Don't let him go because Liam's are loyal and will stick by you through anything
by Princesschloe:) November 28, 2013
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A nice guy who is very quite. He doesn't talk much when you first know him, but once you do you will realize that he has an amazing personality. His eyes are a pretty hazel. He is most comfortable with people he knows the best, and is sensible around people he doesn't know well, but when you do get to know him you will see that he has a lot of crazy ideas. like electronic Kazoos. His personality will make you fall in love with him, not his looks.
If you know a liam or are a liam, you are very lucky
by Iamakittykatandiplaylowbrass December 5, 2013
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