A hang on sloopy is a turd that doesn't want to be detached whilst its being laid. Made famous by the McCoys in their 1965 song "Hang on Sloopy", detailing a turdtastic sexual encounter with poo the lead singer had earlier that year.

Annotated original lyrics are below:

Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town
(His ass, of course.)
And everybody yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down
(Who wouldn't? Sloopy is a turd.)
Well, Sloopy I don't care what your daddy do
Cause' you know Sloopy girl I'm in love with you
(Part scat, part fecaphiliac incest.)

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
(He's laid his Sloopy, but it's hanging on his ass. He can't shake it off.)

Sloopy let your hair down girl, let it hang down on me
Sloopy let your hair down girl ,let it hang down on me
(Observation that the Sloopy has hair in it. Vile.)

Come on Sloopy, Come on Sloopy
Come on, come on
Come on Sloopy, Come on Sloopy
Come on, Come on
(A masturbation reference?)

Well it feels so good
Come on, Come on
You know it feels so good
Come on, Come on

Well, Shake it, Shake it, Shake it Sloopy
I had a hang on sloopy last night and beat myself off something wicked.
by Angry Bob January 6, 2004
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Give a tall guy, with curly hair a sloopy toopy. Why? Because you should just do it.

If he eats you out you better be sucking
International sloopy toopy day

Just suck it
by The Big better man April 14, 2021
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A blow job you get ONLY whilst going down the slide with the person who is giving the blow job and vice versa.
Guy 1: Man, I got the best sloopy BJ last night!
Guy 2: I’ll have to try that with Jennifer next time we’re drunk out at the playground.
by YorkPeppermintPatty May 23, 2018
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The act of having 5 or more girls come to your house, take a piss in the bell of a baritone, then you play it, making a wet and sloopy sound.
Luke: Hey man last night I did the sloopy baritone, with Kelsey and 4 of her friends.
by BornXeno April 10, 2016
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The act when you have many girls ejaculate into a baritone, then playing, making a wet sloppy sound.
Last night I invited 5 girls over to do the sloopy baritone.
by BornXeno February 23, 2016
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To be so tired that you act loopy, extreme tiredness. Origin: combination of the words sleepy and loopy
Speaker 1: Wow! Did you see mom she was so tired she was slurring her speech
Speaker 2: Ya! She's sloopy
by Pike17 May 19, 2021
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When your dick gets soft and limp prematurely, usually before sex.
Michelle: Yo, you down to fuck?
John: I'm afraid my dick is too sloopy.
by Vastas February 20, 2019
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