1. A phrase that has become synonymous with "pro" poker player and pseudo-baller Micon on his very own poker forum, NWP.

2. To make unsound business decisions, squander your funds and the funds of others, and generally fuck up your life at every turn. (See previous definition as prime example.)
Damn....Micon done shit the bed again??!!!
by micon's ego August 8, 2008
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1. When someone screws up beyond normal standards.

2. Someone makes themselves look like a douche-fag. To the point when you laugh your ass off.

3. When Evgeni Nabokov lets Johen Franzen score 4 goals in one period. Priceless.
"Did you see the wings games last night?!"
"No, what happened?!"

"Nabokov shit the bed, it was hilarious!"
by Drizzy Drake 19 May 7, 2010
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get up early - under the pretense that if you shit in bed you have to get up anyway and clean it.
see kin ell
Boss - "Not late today then?"
Dude - "Na, shit the bed!"
by street smeg May 6, 2005
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Means something went terribly wrong.
Larry: "I was sleeping with this girl last night and I woke up t see she that she had shit the bed."
by UrbanLynx March 18, 2010
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-1) Broke, broken, busted, smashed, damaged, destroyed, crushed, non functioning, ruined, shattered, demolished, defective.

-2) When something no longer works.
~ "Amber was trying to masturbate last night, when her dildo shit the bed. So she called me, and asked if I would help her out."

~ "My car shit the bed after only 10,000 miles!"

~ "My phone shit the bed when I jumped in the water!"
by RJames1185 May 11, 2010
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"damn, jake got fired,He really shit the bed"
by Jamie Yates July 13, 2005
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