that wierd guy in harry potter that seems to be the root of many fetishes.
by Lightly Frosted Potato September 28, 2009
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every word Severus Snape has ever uttered, every glare, every action. pure sex.
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A heartbroken guy whose life is a never ending bad hair day.
Person 1: Severus Snape needs a haircut!

Person 2: Have some sympathy for the poor guy, he could have been the daddy to the boy-who-lived!
by Sevvie Snape May 1, 2011
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The person involved in a 1337 flash movie dancing to an underrated Right Said Fred song. . .
I'm a model, you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the catwalk. . .
by The Ravenclaw Seeker May 7, 2004
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My own hot bitch of a personal lap-warmer!
Severus Snape is my sexy lap-dog.
by *The one who stole his virtue* October 23, 2003
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Severus Snape: Dumbledore never told what happened to your father.

Harry: He told me enough, he told me Voldemort killed him!

Snape: No, I am your father!

Harry: NOOOOOOO! Thats not true, thats impossible!

Snape: Search your feelings, you know it be true. Voldemort has forseen this, join me and we will rule the world as father and son!

by hgdslkhg January 27, 2011
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the sexiest man alive (more handsome than gilderoy lockhart), he is clever, dark and mysterious and my husband.
Me: oh snapey baby let me lick the grease off your nose!
Snape: be my guest
by sophie January 2, 2004
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