a town in new jersey. here only douche bags or gay faggots live in which they are too poor so they ride around on their skateboards all day. the lower class plainfield. the guys their think theyre tough shit and mess with people from the hills a much supior section of nj. many of the people from ridge think theyre cool because they start shit on facebook pictures and threather to 'beat sum1s ass'. hmm? cool. the girls there are ugly, and think they can do whatever they want but they are just FLAT OUT whores and sluts. full of stds and herps. if you step foot into that town you will become gay and nobody will like you anymore.
the girls from ridge hang out in the mall to see if they can hit up some guys from watchung, then see if they can get with them because the guys from ridge are too ugly, and the girls dont hhave any self esteem.
by meowmeow1234567890987612349 March 11, 2009
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Very wealthy section of Snoqualmie, WA. Homes here are very expensive and people who live on the Ridge are very happy and content
Ryan - "Do you live around here?"
Jennifer - "I live up on the Ridge."
Ryan - "Then why are you even working here?" "You don't need a job."
by rocklobster2020 July 18, 2008
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A very horny blond boy, will flirt with anyone even when he has a girl friend. He will jump anything in sight.
Look at ridge flirting with ally
by Harry not Harry November 16, 2018
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asian who lives in menai. huge head. tries to tune all daah gurls.

has no life outside of basketball.
Ridge is a fagg asian
by benjamin1234567890 April 2, 2011
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Ridge Rats are residents of Cutler Bay, Florida that is historically called Cutler Ridge. It is now an incorporated town of Miami-Dade County. The Ridge Rat nick name was given to the residents as a derogatory term from people that lived outside of Cutler Ridge but the Ridge Rats wear it like a badge of Honor.
by Chestnut63 December 1, 2012
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Nickname for Pound Ridge, NY. Used by most every teen in town (although probably mostly males), it refers NOT to everyone being filthy rich, as that is only a VERY small percentage. And those dudes probably don't know it's even called The Dirty. Was developed originally because there is nowhere to hang but the reservation and reservoirs, and the kids would come home filthy dirty. Was adopted primarily as a word of pride from the local boys, because not only were they not afraid of getting filthy and lost in the woods, they kept their filthy secrets SECRET. What happens in The Dirty, stays in The Dirty. A Bedford guy will never be as cool as one from The Dirty Ridge. Just a fact.
Yo yo, where the squad chillin tonight?

The reservoir in The Dirty Ridge, bring the usual, we gonna get HYPE.
by salsterg April 24, 2018
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A dirt school that has bad internet and kids who juul in school. Dont forget about no bathroms.
Man that school is a surely an apollo ridge
by JLute January 4, 2019
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