I was born in ozzy, but I grew up in the US.
by El filosofo March 4, 2012
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a very sweet and kind boy, he's very athletic, and super duper adorable. he's quite the charm to have around and his smile could light up a room. his laugh is very very very contagious. hes also very intelligent. he also struggles with autocorrect. hes also my best friend. if you have an Ozzy, keep him with you always. he's got a great shoulder to cry on. if my Ozzy is reading this, i lub you.
Ozzy is such a frackin cool dood. like wowza!
by anna_bananna179983 October 11, 2018
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Ozzy is the type of guy who pretends to be your best friend and then sleep with your just broken up with long term girlfriend
by U’know September 12, 2020
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Someone named Ozzie is a very handsome, intelligent guy. He has the most beautiful eyes on a guy that you'll ever see. He is very charming and can sweep any girl off their feet by just one look into those bright green eyes. He looks at people and life in a different way, and just by being around him you can tell he's someone special. He has a way with words that can touch anyone's heart. And has touched mine more times than one can count.
"Do you see that green eyed tall and amazingly handsome guy at school today?"
"He has got to be an Ozzie."
by bry210 January 20, 2012
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Ozzie means the cutest guy who has the most amazing smile ever. He seems to be shy around new people but once you get to know him you’ll for sure fall even more deeply in love with him. Ozzie always knows how to bring a smile to someone no matter the subject. When he tries to sing it’s not the best but he thinks it’s the best and you will enjoy him singing cause it’ll be hilarious. Since his eyes are a nice shade of brown you simply lose your conscience . This guy is always on a lot of girls minds cause of how underrated he is.
by Bluedolphin56 February 18, 2018
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Proof that an old drunken druggie can still become rich, famous, and have everything in life.

An inspiration to us all.

Also an incredibly amazing singer, both as a solo artist and with Black Sabbath, the most important band since The Beatles.
Ozzy is, quite simply, God.
by Joe Kuehn January 16, 2007
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