A osi is someone who Loves art, is bi, loves frogs and mushrooms, uses phone 24/7 shy yet popular
1: "hey who's that?"
2: "ohh them? They're a osi aren't they amazing?"
O: "umm excuse me can you not talk about me right in front of me? Thanks."

-based off of real experience (´;д;)
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A dumb ass bitch who is so fucking depressed and lonely and is always ok TikTok
by hi_im_deperresed July 13, 2020
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a girl who is over obsessed with hart styles and one direction that it’s not healthy.
see that girl over there wearing the 1D shirt?

she’s a total osi!!
by harrystyles321098 June 3, 2020
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Office of Special Investigations.
It's a form of federal investigators for the Air Force. The equivalents are CID for the army and NCIS for the Navy.
Osi special agents asked me questions about my commander yesterday.
by Charlyes December 18, 2017
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Of African origin, one to never back down and never forget , a king.
Hi Osie how are you doing
by John scribble September 5, 2022
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