Very possibly the best video game in the history of mankind, existence and the universe. If you haven't heard of this game you don't use your brain, you probably use your arse; or worse you are a poet. If you do not know of Oblivion a secret organisation whose name I cannot expose will come around to your place of residence and feed your balls to the dogs of hell or spray insect repellent in your eyes or insert spasm juice into your blood stream.

And if you have heard of it you are blessed by the Infinite Power Of Christ.

So you are either chosen by the messiah or you have a death wish.
Superman: Dude, Oblivion Rocks!!

Jesus: Oh yeah man.

A Spasm ridden Leper: Whats Oblivion Dudes?

Superman: Lol... Wait you serious?

Jesus:Oh lord, give me strength, give me strength to kick this noobs ass!
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A neurotic racket caused by dreadlocks and misanthropy.
Person 1. Did you hear the widdly-woo blasting out of that bar last night? I bought the last copy of Abhorrent Evolution and a pair of some mad hippie's glasses.

Person 2. Must have been Oblivionized
by Autopsy666 November 20, 2012
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ride at alton towers...a scary 87.5 degree drop...fucking awesome
does it need one?????????????????????????????
by emily laura June 17, 2005
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n. The greatest Joint the world has ever seen. Made from a Rooster's plant, it's remains were buried beneath a white cross, beside the rolling stone, in a secret garden infested with gremlins. May it rest in peace.
guy #1 "hey man you remember when we smoked oblivion?"
guy #3 "hell yeah!"
guy number #2 to guy #3 "YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!!"
by draykfyre August 24, 2010
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a game with great graphics but terrible gameplay and a screwed up rpg system. it also has several points where it involves hypnotism to keep those who have played it, playing it. after playing oblivion you will find that you have less ability in other games, rts and rpg espescially. to avoid the hypnotism, where the red and blue 3d glasses.
sane person:here, where these glasses.

3 weeks later;
oblivious:hey, wanna hack the internet caffé server?
sane person:alright.
by scott mawdsley March 7, 2008
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the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening.
"they drank themselves into oblivion"
synonyms: unconsciousness, insensibility, a stupor, stupefaction, senselessness;More
a coma, a blackout;
literarythe waters of Lethe
"they drank themselves into oblivion"
antonyms: consciousness
the state of being forgotten, especially by the public.
"his name will fade into oblivion"
"only our armed forces stood between us and oblivion"
synonyms: obscurity, limbo, anonymity, nonexistence, nothingness, neglect, disregard
"luckily, he was able to rescue that design from oblivion"
antonyms: fame

But in the movie

"The fault in our stars"
Hazel grace Lancaster Gets mad at Augustus waters For saying that he is scared of oblivion
And hazel grace says
"You say you’re not special because the world doesn’t know about you, but that’s an insult to me. I know about you.”-Hazel Grace
"Oblivion is not real as long as you have family/friends
Who love u."
by Djenks2 April 6, 2015
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