Paul Nikko was a man with great heart. He would make his girl feel that she was his world. He can protect you in the very end. You can trust Paul Nikko to take care with all your darkest secret. He can be your forever shield in this world of love.

But be warned: his heart and trust have been broken in the past, giving him a hard time to trust and love again 'cause that girl still has all his love and will never be replace.
You will always be my Paul Nikko and I will always be your mystery...
by His April love June 9, 2021
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When you put a lit cigarette in a mans ass the hair looks like a bear smoking a cigarette. It's a Nikko bear.
"Yeah man, I let her do a nikko bear with a menthol. Freshest I've ever felt!"
by Vilan23 December 24, 2019
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A giraffe that picks apples
“Hey Nikko can you reach that Apple?”
Sure thing, let me use my giraffe like reach!”
by A large whale/giraffe May 12, 2021
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A guy who was an extremely weird trastorn in eating fluorescent objects, he also consume anti concept pills, he loves eating in Santa rita with melany and he’s a drug dealer. He talks in 3rd person. Like a giant.
Example: cineeeeeee, melany cineeeeeee
Example 2: my brother nikko told me to not turn off the lights, I did it and he shined like a star because of the fluorescent in his body
by armadillodetucupita September 29, 2020
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