1) Barely scraping by. Scrounging for money, food, ect.

2) Stealing money around the house so that you can afford to buy more weed.
"Man, I'm broke"

"It's cool man, I'll do some nigging, I should get like $20 or so.."
by Joey Carrara April 5, 2008
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abbrev: nigger-rigged, put together half-assed, often involving duct tape
Joey's aluminum siding spoiler on his Civic is one of the most nigged things i have ever seen.
by ANON May 15, 2004
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1: derived from the word nigger. an awesomely derogative word toward black people.

2: a friend.
1: look at that fuckin nig acting like a, well, a typical nigger.

2: Yo nig, you tryin to chill tonight?
by vivalablink92 August 29, 2008
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To perform an activity called nigging
Off to nig with your boys? you dirty little nigger
by Ezelgard January 2, 2020
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- an unfortunate event, being screwed over

getting screwed over = getting nigged

screwing somebody over = nigging them

the screw over itself = nig

particularly when someone has found something that benefits them in some way, and another manages to take the benefits for himself
I found a penny on the ground, you took it, you nigged me.
I need a cigarette, mind if I nig your last smoke?
by York March 28, 2004
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The black version of nagging particularly when it involves the bringing up of the unfortunate but ever so common racist accusations and pulling of the race card.
Store Owner: "You people need to get out from in front of my store, I don't care who you are because anyone who sits there playing that loud ass noise is driving away my customers."
Group in front of store: "YOU PEOPLE, WHY CUZ WER BLACK... YOUZ RACIST."
Store Owner: "Now why does it always have to be about race? Why don't you stop nigging about everything and do something productive with your life like getting a damn job instead of standing on the corner all day listening to that trash?"
by Shaggy6913 February 22, 2020
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To run around aimlessly tearing things up or misbehaving
"Damn dude, that fool be nigging." "Yeah, he took my shoe and nigged it up"
by SpazumBot October 10, 2019
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