1. To sleep with a girl then never leave her place.

2. To go silent from all your friends and family until you resurface (ie be underground as a mole).
Tim: Where the hell is Dmac? He went back to that girls place 3 days ago!
Anth: He's just being The Mole.
by dmaccrew September 3, 2008
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A friend of yours who's at a party and gets you in there because he/she knows the owner.

Dude1: Hey, wanna go to that Lisa's party?
Dude2: How the f**k are we getting in?
Dude1: Don't worry, I have a mole there
by Pienoinen July 5, 2011
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A spy of an organization such as the mafia,some gangs and cartels ect. who is undercover as a police man or woman.
The organization first hand picks some young person and puts them on there pay roll and sends them through a police academy and they then join the police and rise through the ranks all the time funneling information to the cartel,mafia ect.
by Deep blue 2012 December 15, 2009
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the mole is the member of a group of straight male friends who could be but isn't actually gay.
Joe (walking out of dressing room): Hey, do you guys think these pants make my hips look big?

Group of friends: THE MOLE!
by whoisthemole? May 26, 2011
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To explain or compare something using so many abstract similies and metaphors that your audience no longer understands what you are talking about.
I was stunned by his moles when he started comparing my eyes to the temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in the Summer.
by H Bertinson December 3, 2014
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Character on Happy Tree Friends.

Blind and usually has jobs involving sight, resulting in gory, and hilarious, results. Along with being blind, he seems to have a hearing problem.
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