Millenny is truly a holy creature, so handsome, so pretty, so intelligent. Some people even call them a genius. Millenny has pretty eyes and the most beautiful hands you'll ever see. Millenny is creative and talented, with a great sense of humor and a nice personality. Millenny is in love with Millenny. Millenny is also super gay for Kim Taehyung.
Person 1: OMG! can you see that person over there?
Person 2: that fat old guy?
Person 1: no, you fucking idiot! The handsome one, on the right!
Person 1: Millenny is truly a holy creature.
by xXkamisama_the_awesome_bakaXx September 7, 2017
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Term used to describe a person with low iq, low self esteem, narcissistic tendencies and an inability to function without an iPhone. also, millennials have a tendency to run out in front of moving vehicles since its the drivers responsibility for their safety..not the milennial's.
That millennial thinks they are entitled since their parents used a book to raise them instead of common sense.
by IGotOne October 25, 2018
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A bunch of triggered snowflakes that mass dislike definitions mocking them
by ceev-an May 1, 2018
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A snitching, over-sensitive, clueless, moronic, tattooed, gay loving, drug taking, whining, entitled non gender specifc person born late 80's to early 2000's who is full of mock empathy, mock sympathy, mock grief and mock outrage who loves any word they can stick "ist" or "phobe" on the end of and who thinks that having friends who are a different race, gay or crossdressing is groundbreaking and "progressive".
Person 1. Hey I see you got a new kinda looks like a man with tits?
Millennial: Yes its my tribute to the 20 trans-gender people who were murdered last year probably by someone with transphobia.
Person 1: Mmmm...did you know there were 2 million murders of non-transgender people last year and most committed by someone who didnt like a person for some reason.
Millennial: Ohhhhh?? Gee I need more tattoos.
Person 1: Stupid goddam MILLENNIAL!
by Shaker1903 February 6, 2019
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A generation of people born between 1982-2000. Anyone who's basically before or on 2000. Exceeding Generation X 1965-1982 and on forward to Generation Z 2001-2020.
Millennials have seen the evolution of the Internet and Technology on a massive scale. And mostly have strong political views.
by Gage2003A3 December 28, 2019
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Born Between 1982 and 1995, millennial is the term used to describe the next generation. Characteristics include: a strong sense of citizenship, moral, confident, sociable, street smart, diverse. Millennials often are associated with being optimistic, stubborn and civic. Some important events of this generation include the columbine shooting, the death of princess Diana, World Trade Center attacks (1993 and 2001), Iraq. Trends include: Internet chat, Reality TV, school violence, multiculturalism. Through test scores and surveys millennials are showing more potential intellectually than their predecessors.
Me- 15 years old, internet junkie, smart, compassionate, responsible, confident, Independant, Ambitious, Aware, Talented, Curious.
by emogirl May 9, 2005
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Millennials represent the generation born 1981-1996. They are best known for feeling entitled without accomplishing anything useful; being whiny, impatient, and useless; hunching over their devices (for that 90-year-old's posture), hating anyone over 35 and age discriminating like mad; instituting miserable practices such as waiting in queues for 2 hours for some rubbish ice cream, boba tea, or other trendy nonsense. In other words, they are the new Baby Boomers, come back to further destroy the planet.

The irony is that Baby Boomers and Millennials hate one another. They are really the same, only separated by 3 decades.
Some millennial told me to go to Brenda's Soul Food for brunch. I went and the wait for 2 was 5 fucking hours. Everyone else there was a stupid millennial hunched over their phone or taking selfies. What a fucking nightmare!
by erusha July 10, 2017
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