The year of dying celebrities. 2016 lost so many prominent actors, actresses, singers and other prominent figures. Probably the most high profile celebrity death year since 2009.
Famous people who passed away in 2016 (many tended to be 80s icons):

David Bowie
Alan Rickman (Snape from Harry Potter)
Muhammad Ali
Maurice White
Leonard Cohen (singer of 'Hallelujah')
Gene Wilder
Doris Roberts (grandmother from Everybody Loves Raymond)
Rick Partfitt (Status Quo frontman)
First Lady Nancy Reagan
Alan Thicke (from Growing Pains)
Liz Smith (Grandma Georgina from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory)
Kenny Baker (R2/D2)
Ronnie Corbett
Anton Yelchin (Star Trek)
Fidel Castro
Zsa Zsa Gabor
George Michael
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia from Star Wars)
Debbie Reynolds (Golden era legend, mother of Carrie Fisher - passes away one day after her)
by avialae December 29, 2016
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An insult used to refer to the horrible year of 2016.
Becky: "omg Karen you are so 2016!"
Karen: "wow Becky that is so harsh!"
by skinnylove January 2, 2017
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The year Donald Trump begins his path to the genocide of mexicans, Muslims and eventually any non-white ethnic group.
2016 is going to be yuge!
by Squinty Eyed Bastard February 26, 2016
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Person 1: I can't wait for the new year
Person 2: Yeah man 2016 needs to end
by PieceofShite December 13, 2016
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Son: tell me about 2016
Dad: We do not speak of this one...
by ya_boi_jimmy November 24, 2016
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2016 is the year where everything is basically hell. Too many stars died, including Prince. Donald Trump won the election, people. Everybody and their dog who were born in the early 2000s are starting to come of age, so that's great. To sum it all up, 2016 was and will ALWAYS be the year where everything was fucked up.
Man, 2017 needs to be better. 2016 sucked.
by not a femminazi December 28, 2016
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