"i see only a few Gomers have bothered to turn up for today's crapwagon 'race'"
by d00d July 15, 2004
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Witless idiot yet to see the big picture and realise life is for living
See him/her gomerality is an education they just haven't found yet
by Fog June 14, 2003
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noun. spoken with a french accent. possible meanings. boner, or balls.
A: hey D'Arcy, what time is it?
B: in french accent do you mind woman? i'm tryin' to keep ma gomere!
by D'Arcy March 19, 2004
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A large "Pyle" of shit.
" Don't walk on the lawn.....
Theres too many Gomers out there".
by mavros April 8, 2006
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A great man but not nescessarily a wise man; a visonary person; not afraid of conflict; hardworking; a warrior; a competent man; a man with little emotion or feelings.

The opposite of a Gomer is a Kussat.
"That police officer is a Gomer"
by phil247 November 6, 2011
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Gomer- n.(Go-mer): A term derived from 'gamer' and 'room' to define someone who stays in their dorm room almost constantly. Common variants include the gaming gomer, linux gomer, anime gomer, and study freak gomer. Can also be used in verb form 'gomering' to define someone who is holed up in their room. These people tend to be experts in their chosen feild.
Student 1:Hey, want to play some Starcraft?
Student 2:Nah, but I'm sure Bob will play, he's INSANE at Starcraft.
Student 1:Who's Bob?
Student 2:Oh, you've probably never seen him, he's a gomer.
by Joe Sch. November 17, 2005
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A large pile of shit the breaks the surface of the toilet water
Sorry dude, but I just left a gomer in your toilet.
by DC.Kerr July 11, 2008
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